
我是個存疑論者, 不否定也不確定宇宙間有否造物主的存在.

但認為如有造物主, 亦絕不可能是那個舊約聖經中的上帝, 因衪是個殘暴不仁的暴君, 據統計祂先后剎了六千萬不听話的所謂罪人,用大洪水, 地震,天火焚城等把一切生靈毀滅, 這包括了逾越節中埃及所有頭生的嬰兒.


站在擁護民主, 人杈, 和平, 反對專制獨裁暴力的立場, 我不能不反對這個上帝.

My religious view,

I am an agnostic, I neither believe nor disbelieve if there is an almighty creator of the universe.

But if there was a creator, it definitely cannot be the one of the Old Testament God who killed more than 60 million people by flood, earthquake and fire, including all the Egyptian first born child in the Passover.

This is not the god that is the embodiment of love and peace.

As a person of pro democracy and human rights and anti dictatorship and violence, I cannot support this Biblical god.

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